ABB LEAF Awards 2018 Finalist

  • 公開日:2018/10/17
  • 最終更新日:2024/03/01

店舗デザイン 2事例が英国ABB LEAFアワード ファイナリストに。ワダスポーツがインテリア部門、いなみころ三木別所店が商業建築部門にてノミネートされました。

We are delighted to announce that two of our projects have been shortlisted for the ABB LEAF Awards 2018:
– The Racket Submarine for the Interior Design Award Category.
– The Edge of the Wood for the Commercial Building Category.
The Ceremony will take place on October 18th 2018, in Frankfurt, Germany.
LEAF Stands for: Leading European Architects Forum.
