- 公開日:2019/09/24
- 最終更新日:2024/09/20
- 顧客:
- ヴィクトリーナ姫路様
- 屋号:
- C-ups Cafe& Sports Bar
- 業種:
- 飲食店
- 工事種別:
- 内装工事
- 工期:
- 約2カ月
- 坪数:
- 285.5㎡(86.4坪)
- 所在地:
- 路市駅前町27 テラッソ姫路4F
- TEL:
- 079-263-7415
- 営業時間:
- 11:00~0:00
- 定休日:
- 年中無休
- WEB:
- https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ001267398/

The Wavy Stillness
‐C-ups Cafe & Sports Bar‐
バレーボールチーム ヴィクトリーナ姫路 のチアチーム C-ups が運営するスポーツバー。複合施設内映画館と同フロアに位置することから、映画館からの日中の利用客も鑑み、昼間はカフェとして営業することとなった。カフェとバー、どちらの業態にも対応できる空間が求められた。
The Wavy Stillness is a hospitality establishment compromising a café and a sports bar in one single space.
Located on the fourth floor of a mixed-use building and taking place right in front of a movie theatre, the space is compelled to combine two rather different atmospheres: café by day, and a sports bar by the evening. This combination, add to the hint of luxury service the establishment is providing, generates a hybrid space that can fulfill both modes by simply adjusting lighting brightness.
Both sides facing the movie theatre and the elevator hall are glazed revealing the general atmosphere and showcasing the bar counter. The wall behind the counter is covered in a wavy three-dimensional stainless-steel sheet creating a dynamic reflection that changes according to the viewer’s angle, while golden slit running along the wall is used as the bar shelf. Furthermore, in contemplation of hosting Sports public viewing events, 21 screens have been arranged in 4 different combinations perceptible within and from outside the space.

撮影:スターリン エルメンドルフ